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San Jose Water is committed to supporting public health policy as formulated by the County Health Officer. Water fluoridation is simply a process in which naturally occurring fluoride levels in drinking water are adjusted to an optimal level recommended by the California Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water. The optimal fluoride concentration for the prevention of tooth decay level is currently set at 0.7mg /L(百万分之一). SJW’s own sources of supply from its wells 和 surface water from the Santa Cruz Mountains contain low levels of naturally occurring fluoride.

河谷水 (Santa Clara County wholesaler) began delivering fluoridated water to SJW in 2016. Some customers throughout our service area are already receiving fluoridated water. We are continuing to evaluate water samples to determine fluoride levels 和 will provide updated information as it becomes available.

Years of research studies, along with the endorsement of organizations such as the U.S. 美国疾病控制与预防中心, 美国牙科协会(ADA), 美国医学协会, 美国癌症协会, 美国儿科学会(AAP), 美国国立卫生研究院, 全国家长教师协会,和 世界卫生组织, support 和 have shown that fluoridating public drinking water is not only safe 和 effective, 也是改善社区口腔健康的最好方法.

表达与氟化物有关的意见或关注, please call the 河谷水 fluoride information line at (408) 630-2020. For questions on drinking water 安全, members of the public are encouraged to contact Dr. 霍华德Pollick, UCSF牙科学院教授,电话:(415)476-9872或 霍华德.pollick@ucsf.edu.



氟化 is a naturally-occurring element found abundantly in rocks, soil, 和 fresh 和 ocean water. 当饮用水中的氟化物含量达到最佳水平时, 它已被证明可以通过防止蛀牙来促进口腔健康. 氟化物是一种在环境中普遍存在的矿物质. 氟化物通过土壤和岩石的浸出到达水源.


Since beginning fluoridation of northeast Santa Clara County in 2016, 河谷水 has supplemented the naturally-occurring fluoride in your drinking water to a target of 0.百万分之七(ppm). This is the optimal level recommended by the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water (DDW), 控制范围为0.6 PPM: 1.2 ppm. 

当添加到饮用水中的最佳水平, effectiveness of fluoride in reducing tooth decay has been documented in scientific literature for more than 75 years.

If I use fluoridated toothpaste, am I already getting enough fluoride to protect against decay?

根据美国残疾人协会, “Even in an era with widespread availability of fluoride from other sources, studies show that community water fluoridation prevents at least 25% of tooth decay in children 和 adults throughout the life span.” 


Fluorosilicic acid is the most commonly used fluoride additive by large water systems 和 is approved for use by the Division of Drinking Water, 谁来管理平台登录的水. The selected fluorosilicic acid is certified for compliance with the 美国国家标准协会(ANSI)国家卫生基金会(NSF) 标准的60. ANSI/NSF 标准的60 ensures that chemicals used to treat drinking water do not contribute contaminants to the water.


与氟化物有关的医疗或牙科问题, including consumption of fluoridated drinking water by women during pregnancy, 鼓励客户咨询他们的医生, 儿科医生, 或牙医.


The ADA states that: “It is safe to use fluoridated water to mix infant formula. 如果你的宝宝主要吃的是婴儿配方奶粉, using fluoridated water might increase the chance for mild enamel fluorosis, but enamel fluorosis does not affect the health of your child or the health of your child’s teeth.“然而, 如果你不喜欢在婴儿配方奶粉中使用氟化水, 你可以选择母乳喂养, 使用即食配方奶粉, 和/或使用低氟化物的瓶装水混合你的配方. Parents 和 caregivers are encouraged to talk to their dentists 和 儿科医生 about what’s best for their child.

我宁愿不喝加了氟化物的水. 我有什么选择?

你有几个选择. 许多品牌的瓶装水都含有不同程度的氟化物. You can call the consumer information number on the bottle's label 和 ask about the level of fluoride 和 whether this level is naturally low. Other br和s of bottled water take tap water 和 then further treat it. 额外的治疗, 如果通过反渗透或蒸馏, may remove a significant amount of both naturally occurring fluoride 和 any fluoride added through fluoridation.  

You can also use home treatment devices that utilize reverse osmosis systems or distillation. 你可以浏览 这里是国家认证的设备列表.

NSF国际, 一个非盈利的测试机构, also certifies certain reverse osmosis home treatment devices 和 distillation units for the reduction of fluoride. 你可以在网上搜索 这里有nsf认证的产品. 首页 treatment devices must be maintained according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure their effectiveness.


No. “氟化 in levels administered for drinking water is safe for humans 和 all animals. Over 50 years of research 和 experience have shown fluoridation at optimal levels does not harm people or the environment.” 


除了圣克拉拉县的网站, ADA 和 CDC links below provide extensive information about fluoride 和 fluoridation.


当你输入你的位置到下面的工具, you will receive a water fluoridation number that is calculated based on a six-month running average of the fluoride concentration levels collected at the sample station nearest you. 平均浓度每月更新, 但预计每个月将保持相对一致. 氟化 samples are collected at over 100 locations throughout the distribution system on a regular basis.

美国公共卫生服务 建议水的氟化物浓度为0.7毫克/升. 在氟浓度低于0的地区.每升6毫克, AAP 和 the ADA recommend that children between the ages of 6 months 和 16, 哪些人有蛀牙的危险, 每天服用氟化物补充剂.




The referenced recommendations on this page regarding fluoride concentration levels are not recommendations, 意见, DG真人游戏务公司(SJW). Nothing on this page or referenced herein constitutes any representation or warranty made, 鉴于, 或SJW对其影响的暗示, 质量, 安全, 或者氟化物的好处. SJW disclaims any liability allegedly resulting from any reliance on the content of this page, 任何参考信息, 或任何参考的建议在这里.
